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Poll Archive
Your rating: No. of Raters: 20022
PollStart DateEnd DateResults
Do you support virtual educational visits to Bahrain's landmarks as well as actual visits? 18-06-202128-10-2021 Show Result
Do you think the e-Learning Portal (edunet) facilitates parental communication with schools? 06-04-201718-06-2021 Show Result
Is there any significant importance towards educational TV channels in improving students' academic skills and achievements? 04-02-201406-04-2017 Show Result
Do you agree to increasing opportunity of learning in intermediate schools ? 19-11-201304-02-2014 Show Result
What is the best option to strengthen the Robotic industry in schools? 09-08-201219-11-2013 Show Result
Do you agree opening secondary schools during the evening period for student activities? 16-02-201209-08-2012 Show Result
What Do You think about Digitizing School Books to help lessen the weight of the school bag pack ? 20-12-201116-02-2012 Show Result
What is your assessment about the food provided in school canteens? 23-10-201120-12-2011 Show Result
Do you think that the unification of boys school uniforms instills the principle of discipline and commitment in students ? 20-09-201123-10-2011 Show Result
Do you support Ministry of Education in organizing the summer activity this year in July only ? 06-06-201120-09-2011 Show Result
What do you think of ( eServices ) that are offered by the ministry? 10-02-201006-06-2011 Show Result
What do you think of the preparations made by the ministry in order to face the swine flu? 22-10-200910-02-2010 Show Result
How do you find the new changes on moe website? 10-10-200822-10-2009 Show Result

Last updated:28-10-2021