Page 5 - Prize of Unesco - King Hamad (English)

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The relationship between the Kingdom of Bahrain and UNESCO
goes back years. In 1967 Bahrain joined UNESCO as an asso-
ciate member. In 1972, after having gained its independence,
Bahrain became a full member.
The Kingdom of Bahrain, like other member countries, benefits
from the services and programmes provided by UNESCO in the
fields of education, culture, science, etc... Examples of some
of the areas of cooperation during the past few years are the
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Education System Project,
which was conducted in collaboration with the Institute for
Educational Planning in Paris and a number of experts; devel-
opment of curricula, especially technical education curricula;
training nationals, renewing the educational system, as well as
UNESCO>s cooperation in reviewing a number of projects con-
ducted by the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain,
in addition to collaboration in the fields of culture and science.