Indeed, this prize gives recognition of a collaborative whose sole purpose is
solidarity. And in accordance with its status (not profit) and goals (Access for
All), Sésamath broadcasts mainly licensed free resources that anyone can
copy, distribute and modify freely.
Sesamath aid promoting the use of information technology, cooperative
work and it support students in mathematics.
Sesamath offers free resources and free space for exchange and training.
Among the software created by Sésamath (Mathenpoche, Tracenepoche;
instrumenpoche and Sesabac), which are accompaniments school
• Mathenpoche which is interactiv e exercises and assistance animated
and guided through the Flash technology.
• Tracenpoche: geometry software that allows you to study a geometric
• Instrumenpoche: allows the use of geometric virtual instrument
• Sesabac: corrections moving subjects’ bachelor with guidance and remind-
ers Course
Sésamath now seeks to transfer its expertise in collaborative work in the
field of education to all in need, for countries other than France and languag-
es other than English as well as other disciplines than mathematics.
Enciclomedia is a basic easy-to-use platform installed in 145,000 class-
rooms in state primary schools in Mexico, including the most remote and