Page 25 - Prize of Unesco - King Hamad (English)

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poor areas, as well as in 13 other Latin America countries. It enriches curri-
cula by providing digital multimedia resources such as images, maps, virtual
visits, video, audio, music, animations, and interactive learning activities.
The platform has helped train 120,000 teachers in the use of ICTs in just two
The word Enciclomedia derived from “Encyclopedia”. There is only one dif-
ferent letter between the two words, but I didn’t come accidentally. Encyclo-
pedia aims of having an organized compendium of knowledge but Enciclo-
media use media to organize every kind of learning resource which works
on computers. All text books appear on the right by subject and the program
displayed on an electronic whiteboard and comes in the hard disk of the
computer for each classroom.
The education program (Enciclomedia) has different grades, subjects and
chapters all attached with pictures. When the students get stuck in some-
thing they can simply go back to the software reference and they will find all
the answers to their questions and doubts.
On the desktop there are pictures of the subjects so with a simple click from
the teacher on the picture of the chosen subject he/she gets into the index
after that he/she chooses the lesson, the lesson appears with different types
of links and if he/she presses an underline text they will get more information
about the thing they have pressed.
This government education program helped teachers and students in
classrooms to accomplish more experience and knowledge. It motivates the
students to learn more than the ordinary way.